Read Woke Challenge

February 1st – May 6th. For middle school and high school students. 

What is Read Woke?

“Read Woke is a movement. It is a feeling. It is a style. It is a form of education. It is a call to action; it is our right as lifelong learners. It means arming yourself with knowledge in order to better protect your rights. Knowledge is power and no one can take it away. It means learning about others so that you can treat people with the respect and dignity that they deserve no matter their religion, race, creed, or color.” – Cicely Lewis, creator of Read Woke

How to Complete the Challenge

The most important thing you need to do is read some Read Woke books (anything that challenges you to think about other people, other places, or situations new to you). Then, to ‘complete’ the challenge and be eligible for prizes, do the following three (3) things:

1) Log three (3) books

2) Write at least one (1) review

3) Earn the ‘All about Me Badge’!

The first 40 middle and high school students to complete the challenge will receive a Read Woke t-shirt! All students who complete the challenge will receive an invitation to a celebration party on May 14th with special guests, Nic Stone, author of Dear Martin, and Cicely Lewis, creator of Read Woke! This challenge will run from February 1st to May 6th.

How to Log Reading in Beanstack Desktop

How to Log Reading in Beanstack Phone App

How do I sign up?

Visit to sign up! If you already have an account from Summer Reading, you can use that. Once you’re signed in, click the “Log Reading and Activities” button to start logging your Read Woke selections!

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